Thursday, May 17, 2007

Senior Checklist

"So... you excited?"
"How's it feel to be done?"
"I'm going to miss you so much!"
"Here, sign my yearbook."
"Have I signed your yearbook?"
"See you at graduation."
"Where'd you tell me you're going again?"
"Oh. Where is that?"
"Oh! Well, that sounds nice."
"I thought you were going to UGA."
"Did you mail your announcements yet?"
"Did you mail your graduation party invitations yet?"
"Why haven't you done that yet?"
"Explain in your own words the two main themes of Jane Eyre."
"I can't sign this until you've cleaned out your locker."
"... or else you won't walk."
"What's that flower thing that goes on your wrist? Am I supposed to get you one?"
"My daughter looks up to you so much."
"Well, if I don't see you, have fun tomorrow night."
"Would you like to join the army?"
"Now, what has this taught you about procrastination?"

Just a few sound bites that have been swirling around my life lately. The last quote was spoken by a lady in the UPS store who was mailing a priority shipped (aka almost late) scholarship application for me. It seems life lessons must always be learned with extra postage.

We had baccalaureate (or, as I like to call it, the Graduation pep rally) yesterday. I am now the owner of a new Bible with my name calligraphied on the inside. Last night was our last regular youth group meeting. I plopped my graduation announcements in the mailbox at the post office this morning, with a ceremonious "'07!" under my breath. I'm still working on the blasted orange senior checklist, getting signatures from everyone saying I can, in fact, walk. I turned in my last test today (thanks for the 523 pages, Charlotte Brontë). I attended the last small group meeting at lunch. P-ROM '07 plans are all made: I got the tickets, the reservations, the dress, the date, the jewelry, the hair appointment, the shoes, the handbag, and the transportation all set. Now I just have to enjoy myself tomorrow night, which will hopefully be the easiest thing on this list.

So here I am, blogging at my familiar coffee spot, pondering dancing with someone who always seems to bring a smile to my face. Contemplating all my pending free time before graduation. Thinking about the summer with my youth group. Musing over the fall at "No, it's not UGA" University and all the people I'll meet, things I'll do, stuff I'll learn there.

So, to answer your question... yes. I am excited. Or at least getting there.

1 comment:

Crazy Crystal said...

i am going to make it my one goal to make sure you have fun tomorrow night. you will. its my main goal for the evening. plus i love you, so its gonna be great. like frosted flakes.