Wednesday, January 10, 2007

On Soaring

When I was in 8th grade, I anchored the 4x400 meter relay on the track team. My last race as a middle schooler was that relay on the day of the championship. The girls who ran the first three legs lost a lot of ground. By the time I had the baton in my hand, we were next to last. I completely forgot everything around me, the crowd, the baton, the other girls on the track. I just ran as fast as I could. I remember coming around a bend and seeing my coach ecstatically jumping up and down, motioning for me to keep going. I didn't feel tired. I didn't really feel anything except the absolute joy of running my heart out. I finished the race 5 meters away from the 2nd place finisher.

One of my favorite chapters in the Bible is Isaiah 40. It always seems to put God and myself into perspective. Basically, He is big and I am not. He is in control, and I am not. It's a tough lesson, but Isaiah adds comfort. As almost any Christian runner could tell you, Isaiah 40 holds a very famous verse.

"but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary;
they will walk and not be faint." (v. 31)

The thing that gets me about this verse is how aptly and concisely it describes life. You have times when you soar: when you realize you've fallen in love, when you hold your child for the first time, when you're on a spiritual "mountaintop" like on the retreat. You have times when you run: that's everyday, ordinary life. Finally, you have times when you walk. This is the hard stuff: when you've fallen off the mountaintop, when you're being hammored and refined, when life is just hard to live.

As I said before, Isaiah offers a lot of encouragement. Through all these times in our lives, God is costantly present. He will renew our strength. We will not grow weary or faint, even when we're getting breathing cramps or have to start walking. We might have to take it easy for a little while if we get injured, but God will always be our sustainer.

Right now, I'm walking. Sometimes it feels like I'm going so slow. But I'm always moving forward, regardless of my speed.

"He gives strength to the weary..."
"...hope in the LORD..."

I look forward to when I can run and even soar again.

1 comment:

rOmiLaYu said...

I have never thought about that....I always sloughed that verse away as a runner's team shirt...but I like the dynamic you've pointed out: that no matter where we are, soaring, running, or mearly walking, God will supply the strength, not only will he get you through the tough walking, but he is the reason you are soaring.


I learned something.