Sunday, July 1, 2007

Storm Clouds

I hate droughts.

The water bans. The not-so-flourishing flora. The sticky, humid mood that blankets the air as well as your skin the second you step out of air conditioned bliss.

This summer, like every summer, we're having a drought. Thus, we deal with frustrations, such as those listed above. But more than that, the oddest thing happens to us: We forget rain.

A few days ago, I was backing out of my garage when I heard the strangest noise beating the rear end of my car. I immediately applied the brakes, completely startled by the incessant tapping. Then I looked in the rear view and saw huge raindrops plopping on the back windshield. It had been so long, I didn't recognize rain.

I think one of the reasons I was so bewildered was the stark presence of the sun. You know that weather rarity when it's pouring rain, but the sun's still in full glory? It was bizarre, to say the least. It's sunny. There should be no rain. We're in drought. There should be no rain.

Everyone in my state would agree: the few showers we've been having recently couldn't have come sooner. The rain's been a gift, much needed and much appreciated.

The idea of gifts has struck me lately. In Bible study, we were discussing Hannah in 1 Samuel. She prayed for a child, though it was a distressing situation. She earnestly believed that God would give her exactly what she needed, when she needed it. Then, when she finally received her baby boy, she gladly gave the gift back to God.

When we ask God for something, I've realized our refining comes both in the waiting and in the receiving. Often, you wait so long for something, a drought of sorts, that it takes some time to recognize it for what it is. You begin to enjoy it and marvel at it, thanking God for its arrival.

Sometimes, gifts are only for a season. Then, you are called to give them back. You must, for this is the will of the LORD.

But what about the times when the gift is there, present in your life, but the circumstances seem wrong, like the rain in the sunshine? It's still a gift, but is it yours to have? I'm not sure, but I wish I knew.


Crazy Crystal said...

so your care package made my week. Drinking Crystal light every day, wearing the "power sunglasses" (as the campers called it), we read "Dont you Hate it when.." quotes every morning, and the gum made the afternoons pass smoothly.

you are a blessing. i loved it. and i love you. i mean i just do.

rOmiLaYu said...

My mother always used to say that when it was raining and the sun was out that the Devil was beating his wife. Now you know.

Sometimes, you're much more perceptive than you give yourself credit for...and sometimes too, you do know. It's just that don't like the answer so you pretend you don't know. Sometimes.