Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I Am Loved

I'm so overwhelmed. It seems God has gone out of His way once again to display His incredible love for me.

I recently opened myself up to healing from Him. All the stuff from my past that I had been carrying around (ala Pilgrim's Progress) I gave over to Him and asked Him to change me. I died to it, knowing it would kill me if I didn't.

Now, it's like He's reteaching me all the stuff I learned before. I feel like a stroke vicitm being rehabilitated - starting from scratch, but with a foundation of His promises. So now, He's patiently showing me that He loves me.

I don't know why, but I'm able to see certain things in my life as a direct result of His love: my amazing family and the relationships I have with my mom and sister, my friends who are as interested in my life as I am in theirs, and those people that I can't quite put a lable on but that I know care deeply for me. It all blows me away. And it's all because He loves me (among other reasons, I'm sure).

Finally, this time of year always reminds me of His love in that He came - YAHWEH incarnate. He left Heaven and humbled Himself because He loves me. He died because He loves me. He defeated death because He loves me.

"Oh Love that will not let me go, I rest my weary soul in Thee. I give Thee back the life I owe that in Thine ocean’s depths its flow may richer, fuller be."

1 comment:

rOmiLaYu said...

seems to be a rebirth of sorts...born again if you will.... as obfuscatively redudant as that term may seem... I'm glad it's happening for you and I'm glad you're sharing it with me.