Friday, January 26, 2007

Lessons Learned

I've learned a lot over the past few months. I thought I should probably document these lessons, just in case I have to learn them again.

I've learned that it is never a good idea to catch a curling iron that is plugged into the wall.

I've learned that just because he doesn't talk to you for a few days, it doesn't mean he's not interested. It could just mean he's busy.

I've learned that I am definitely not a math / science person. On the filp side of this, I've learned that I am gifted in literature / theology. They are my passions, and I want to spend the rest of my life exploring these area of the world.

I've learned what a paradox senior year can be. The closer I am to becoming an adult, the more independent I am. I want to live on my own. I want to make my own decisions. The more I think about it, though, the more it scares the dickens out of me.

I've learned what it feels like to be looked down on because I attended a prayer meeting. I'm sure I'm not finished learning this lesson.

I've learned how important it is to say goodbye to people, even if you know you'll see them tomorrow. It's important. It just is.

I've learned that when I get older and have a husband and kids, it is not a good idea to leave suggestive love notes to said husband in the exact same place where the nanny always looks for her paycheck because this makes the nanny feel very, very uncomfortable.

I've learned that I am an introvert. Yes, I greatly enjoy the company of people, especially close, small groups of friends. But I will always need time to reenergize and hang out with myself.

I've learned that worshipping God doesn't necessarily mean singing. True glorification of God means doing everything for His pleasure. This manifests itself in school work, playing the flute, acting on stage, getting coffee with your friends, just listening to someone who needs to talk, and everything else we do. We must use what has been given to us to give it back to God: our time, our talents, our dreams.

I've learned that the people I spent most of High School wishing I could be friends with really don't have more fun than me and my friends. I will never be friends with everyone. Not everyone will like me. And that's ok.

I've learned that people, no matter who they are or how much they care about you, will always let you down. Conversely, I will always let people down. Human beings cannot be heros, nor can they be perfect. Only God is completely reliable.

I've learned that people get so used to seeing the side of me that I let them see, that when I show small parts of my true self, it scares them and they rarely know how to do deal with it. Thus, I've learned patience and trust is key.

I've learned that the approval of others is an impossible and exhausting goal. The Apostle Paul said it best in Galations 1: "Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ."

Finally, I've learned that all I really needed to know I learned in kindergarten. Life gets complicated, but somethings always stay the same.


rOmiLaYu said...

The nanny thing is priceless! I laughed out loud. Honestly.

Crazy Crystal said...

as did i hendriX, as did i,

and you have no idea how reading this thing encourages me. even when its about things that i dont fully understand or comprehend where your coming from, its still encouraging. though it may sound creepy its true. You Jessie, are one fantastic girl. period.